

Tha an taisbeanadh 50mh Slàinte Arabach, air a chumail bho 27 gu 30, 2025, ann an Dubai, a 'taisbeanadh aithrisean cudromach anns an roinn inneal meidigeach, le cuideam sònraichte air teicneòlasan. This event attracted over 4,000 exhibitors from more than 100 countries, including a substantial representation of over 800 Chinese enterprises.

●KellyMed, the first manufacturer of infusion pump and syrine pump, feeding pump in China since 1994, this time not only exhibit infususion pump, syringe pump, enteral feeding pump, also exhibit entereal feeding set, infusion set, blood warmer… Attract many customers .

Chuir an taisbeanadh fo cho cudromach sa tha co-obrachadh eadar-nàiseanta. Yuwell's partnership with Inogen exemplifies how Chinese companies are expanding their global footprint through strategic alliances. Such collaborations are anticipated to accelerate the development and adoption of advanced infusion pump technologies, addressing the growing healthcare demands in the Middle East and beyond.

Ùine a 'phuist: Gearran-17-2025